Sunday, April 1, 2012

tomatoes and bread...

...and a new friend.

We had just gotten several loaves of french bread late Friday afternoon when it hit me, what else can I do with this loaf but to eat it all up as bruschetta? Plus, I had not thought of what to cook for dinner, so it seemed like the easiest solution (consider this the real reason). And right there in the car with my trusty iphone but not so trusty internet connection, came Pioneer Woman to the rescue. Her recipe came up at the top of the Google search. 

This did not disappoint. How can it with balsamic vinegar and basil thrown in the mix? I had used dried basil and it was still delicious. Add basil, salt and pepper. Taste. Add more pepper. Taste. Add a little more basil. Taste. Taste. Taste. Utterly. Yummy. In the tummy.

Resist the urge to dive into this bowl with your pajamas on.

I also added garlic powder to the butter before letting the french bread slices swim in the pan. I do not regret this. I am forever grateful to garlic powder. It is my new friend (I had known garlic salt was gooood a while back, so garlic it just...wonderful). A good friend. Almost my best friend.

Guess which one hung out a little too much with the butter?

Here's the first round:

Attack of the killer tomatoes
 And then we moved on to various combinations along with these:
In our house, light meals become...heavy.

And then the bread ran out.

And these came to the rescue:

Me thinks this is gooood.

YUM. I am still burping from breakfast as I am writing this and I'm still drooling over the bruschetta pics.

I am a pig,

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